Graphic Node

Templates for Pages - DesiGN Help

DesiGN for Numbers – Templates is a collection of templates and illustrations for Apple Numbers (recommended version 6.0 or later). It provides various options for creating professional and exciting content ranging from invoices and business cards to greetings and posters. With DesiGN for Numbers – Templates, you can:
  • View and browse all your purchased and downloaded items in a single easy-to-use space;
  • Create custom collections to save templates for quick and convenient access;
  • Save templates in the Apple Numbers template choose for quick access in the future;
  • Use all editing and customization options available in Apple Numbers.

Browse, Search & Save


When you run DesiGN for Numbers – Templates, it opens with the Discover page upfront. It gives you access to the things you need to get started quickly: content recommendations, top items, new additions, and purchased items. The sidebar on the left can be used to navigate across the different sections and content categories available in the app:
  • Search;
  • Discover page;
  • Templates section;
  • New items;
  • Favorite items;
Note: You can use Search to easily locate specific items by name, theme, dominant objects, and colors – simply type in the keyword(s) you are looking for into the search field, press Return, and DesiGN for Numbers – Templates will display any results that it matches with your search. You can then use filters to narrow down your results by Price and/or Category or change the way results are sorted. To view the contents of any content section, first select it in the sidebar. Once you select a content section, you will be taken to its window, where you will see content recommendations and content subcategories. You can:
  • Check out the content recommendations at the top;
  • Scroll down to browse through the list of content subcategories in the section;
  • Click see all at a content subcategory to view all of its items;
  • Use the filters at the top of the window to view all, new, favorite, or purchased items;
  • Click on the thumbnail of a selected thumbnail to see a full preview of the template;
  • Mark a design as a favorite by clicking the heart symbol at the bottom left corner of the thumbnail or at the top right of the preview screen.

Open & Save

Once you have purchased an item, click the Open button to open it in Numbers (or in your default preview application for Clipart and other image-type items). For templates, Numbers will ask if you want to save the template in the chooser. To save an item in Finder:
  1. Right-click on its thumbnail and select Save To;
  2. Select a location where you want to save the item and press Save.
You can also drag individual items and product sets and drop them in Finder or on your Desktop.

Edit Templates, Edit Illustrations, Export as Image

Edit Templates

After you open a template in Numbers, you can do any of the following:
  • Type or paste your own text, add, and remove text boxes, and change the fonts;
  • Drag your photos or pictures onto image placeholders to replace the stock images;
  • Change the size and position of any element, including the text boxes, images, and shapes;
  • Change the colors of the shapes.

The templates are available in both ISO and US paper sizing standards. Whenever you start a new document, Numbers will set the default standard according to your current system localization (System Preferences > Language & Region > Region).

Note: Some versions of Numbers will prevent editing text in templates with embedded images using default settings. In that case, please take the following steps:

  1. Select Arrange > Section Masters and uncheck the option “Make Master Objects Selectable.” Now you will be able to select and edit the text;
  2. If you want to edit the images and shapes, you should again check “Make Master Objects Selectable.”

Edit Illustrations

After you open an item, copy a selected illustration and paste it into your Numbers document.

The illustrations included in sections come in one of two formats:

  • Numbers’ native shapes, which you can edit fully in Format > Shape Styles. Most of them are grouped for easier copying, and you can ungroup them by selecting Arrange > Ungroup;
  • PNG images, which you can arrange in Format > Image Styles. To change their color, select the image, go to View > Show Adjust Image, and modify the relevant parameters (not applicable for black and white images).

The image resolution is suitable for printing. All images feature a transparent background so that you can place them on top of backgrounds of your choice.

Clipart images come in PDF format and will be opened in your default preview application. Afterward, you can do any of the following:

  • Copy the image from the preview application and paste it into your document;
  • Rasterize the image by exporting it to a selected format in the preview application;
  • Print documents with the images, as the resolution is suitable for printing.

Export as Image

If you need your final work exported as an image (for example to be used in social media), do the following:

  • Finish up your work in Numbers, save it;
  • Use the File > Export menu to export your document as PDF;
  • Open the resulting PDF file with your image preview app of choice (Apple Preview comes pre-installed in every Mac and can be used for this);
  • Use the File > Export menu in the image preview app to export the document in one of the available image formats.

New Items & Restoring Purchases

New Items

Templates for Numbers – DesiGN is regularly updated with new items, which appear in the New section.

Restoring Purchases

If you have replaced or reformatted your computer and DesiGN for Numbers – Templates would not display your past purchases, you should:

  1. Select Store > Restore Purchases;
  2. Sign into your Apple account by entering your Apple ID and password (if you have multiple accounts, please make sure to use the one that was used to make the purchase);
  3. Look for your past purchases in the Purchased section.

Customer Support

You can use the templates and illustrations for commercial purposes; however, they can be included in publications for resale only if they are decorative in nature and not the primary value or purpose of the product.

If you have any additional questions about the products, email us at [email protected].

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